Future Wild cultivates wildness and edibles in urban spaces.
We reimagine cities’ potential to incorporate nature, biodiversity and urban agriculture.
We create resilient, ecologically rich urban landscapes.
Culinary gardens
Future Wild creates inviting, dynamic and productive culinary gardens for chefs. Design and install is conducted in line with seasonal menus, producing a rich array of produce to be utilised in the kitchen. The gardens that emerge are rich habitats, nurtured and maintained organically. They ground and inspire diners, showcasing specialty culinary plants and demonstrating the possibility for productive spaces in even the most urban of environments.
Planter boxes
We custom-build planter boxes for the installation of edible and native habitats on rooftops, and for cafes and backyards. Built from cypress pine, sustainably sourced from western Queensland, the planter boxes are crafted in our workshop housed in an old brass foundry at Red Hill, Brisbane.
Native and edible gardens
Future Wild recognises the potential of urban backyards for regenerating habitat alongside the creation of spaces that are rich in beauty, productive and contribute to the broader, city-wide ecosystem. We design, plant out and maintain gardens that work on ecological principles. We use organic inputs only, and make extensive use of companion planting. The gardens that emerge are resilient, biodiverse, thriving landscapes that weave together a mixture of native, non-native and culinary plants that are nourishing for the owners, visitors and wider landscape.
Image: Aimee Catt
Owner and founder Ellia Guy has always been most comfortable outdoors. That is possibly a legacy of spending most of her childhood playing outside climbing trees, exploring the myriad of creeks around where she grew up and in the garden.
After studying environmental science and working in Europe, Ellia became homesick for Australian landscapes. The hum of the bush, the expansive, enlivening open sky and the cacophony of birdsong brought her home. Back in Australia and working in the built environment field, she started to realise that almost all landscapes designed and planted in Australia do little to consider ecological function, habitat, biodiversity and almost never food production.
Thus Future Wild was born, a business that envisions our cities transformed into a verdant mosaic of edible gardens and native habitat patches. The future of planting design and conservation sees the potential of bare concrete footpaths, disused parking lots and empty verges and backyards. Future Wild is an active step, not to mourn the nature that was, but create the nature that could be.
We stand, speak for and champion…
locally sourced
the long-term view
quality design
transformative education
building a more beautiful world.